Monday, June 30, 2008

Things hoped for

So it never rains, but it pours. Adrianne is coming to visit us for 5 WHOLE DAYS!!! Unless you have spent the better part of 2 years alone in a house with 2 children, you can't truly appreciate the scope of my excitement when people come to visit. It's GREAT. And then....Jeff's Mom and Grandma and sister and her son are coming for a week or two right after! Jeff was remarking that if we could finagle some way of getting Mom, Niki & Christo down here, that we would have been able to visit just about everyone this year. Oh well. Maybe sometime.
Then after that, we have decided to take the 1st family vacation we've ever taken (ie: just Jeff, myself & the boys) and go for a few days to San Antonio. It's pretty nearby....about 6-8 hrs drive (yikes! Dillon! in the car for 8 hours! screaming! don'tthinkaboutitdon'tthinkaboutit)...and we'll be able to see the Alamo, maybe Seaworld, etc. So that should be fun.
On the above note, my perception of fun has changed in a somewhat large way since I've had kids. Fun is when no one throws a tantrum (or throws up), everyone gets their naps, and you do something that the kids think is a blast, often involving ice-cream. Their fun is my fun. And I'm not trying for the mother-of-the-year award's self-serving. When they're having fun, I'm not running myself ragged trying to amuse them. Also, I think your brain changes a bit/and or you lose a good portion of it in the delivery and 1st few months of baby's life. That would explain a great deal.


King Freddy said...

How I wish I could come visit! ..Soon, when all this brouhaha is over for me.
And dont worry, you will have plenty of time to yourself when the boys are grown up and taking care of you!

Amanda Rudow said...

I always knew there was something fishy about childbirth. I think you've really stumbled upon something. bahaha.

I really do envy everyone... it would be so great so see you lot again, especially since there's a new face.
Quick, someone get married so we can have another family reunion!
...Or not...

Jabberwocky said...

Yay for me! Yay for ice cream! See you tonight. :)

Dossy and Bossy said...

I know, I wish we could see everyone. Amanda, I am SERIOUSLY working on Jeff to say that we will be able to afford to go to Japan next year. I hate to even say it, cuz I've been telling myself we'll go for like the past 3 years & I feel like I'll jinx it...but I have a good feeling about next year. We'll do our best.
Freddy, call me sometime.

achilles-eel said...


Mandy's been ranting about this blog for the past week or two, but I've been a little too lazy to check it out for myself. Very, very awesome.

Now that I'm here, you can all cringe at my unintelligent comments, whilst I laugh at yours. -laughs at you-


Tory said...

My Dad wants to have a family reunion in Mexico.....
He's crazy
He wants to grow a garden with no soil.....
Isn't there enough soil for him to grow a garden normaly?
Try telling that to my dad....
he also wants pins for his birthday.

Dossy and Bossy said...

Mindy, Happy Birthday! Thanks for the loving words on the blog...we do our best. Hope to hear more from you!

Tory: your father may be crazy, my random child, but remember: you are his offspring! Chances are 50/50 that you are crazy too! :) Always good to hear from you!

About Me

I was born and raised in Japan and moved to the US about 15 years ago. I met my husband in California and we moved to Texas 9 years ago. We have lived in El Paso and Hewitt (near Waco). We are blessed with three beautiful children, Noah, Dillon and Zoe. I am currently an undergraduate at Baylor University majoring in Social Work.