Thursday, June 12, 2008

Exercise rant

So I'm trying to diet & lose some weight. I am not finding this to be easy. Not only because in general it sucks to not eat all the food you love, but because my baby has it out for me. I put him down & ensure he is really asleep, and then creep into the next room to precore for 1/2 an hour. Any other time of day he sleeps for maybe half hour or 45 minutes. But if I'm exercising? Not so much. He has a radar that detects when I am desperate for him to stay asleep and purposely wakes up when I am.

This is very true. I'm not trying to be cute. I think the government should investigate, because I've talked to other mothers & they have confirmed this phenomenon. Babies KNOW things. I've become very superstitious about it, and, for example, will not look at the baby directly (avoid eye contact with body) when checking on the baby. If you look too long, he will wake up. And under NO circumstance should you enter the room when checking on said baby. I cannot tell you how many times the baby has awoke when Jeff has entered the room to 'check on the baby' in direct defiance to my instruction. (Could also be that Jeff is a certified hypocondriac & shakes the baby in order to detect breathing & signs of life.)

Laugh now, o ye childless. Just you wait.


Babylove said...

Tell it!! So true, about checking on them. I forbid my kids to check on Hunter, how could he ALWAYS be awake when they go to check on him?? Though for me, my #6 seems to be the magic charm. He falls asleep at 9:00 or 9:30 with his daddy & I steal away to the gym.

Love your writing & wit, Suzy. Always did! Will frequent! XX

Jabberwocky said...

I have no kids, but does a 30 pound cat count as a substitution? If so, feed the baby fancy feast. Puts them right to sleep, every time. :) (and they stay asleep too)

Dossy and Bossy said...

babylove....I don't know how you do it with 6 kids, I'll tell you. I barely manage with 2. And I salute you for gym-ing it at 9:30, but how do you sleep afterward?
NEway, good to hear from you!

No, ben & jerry, a 30lb cat does not count. Somehow it strikes me that you may be exaggerating...Noah weighs 32lbs!!

King Freddy said...

I had a six-pack, but then I drank it.

Dossy and Bossy said...

ha ha ha sigh. You're so dumb, Freddy. WE love it.

About Me

I was born and raised in Japan and moved to the US about 15 years ago. I met my husband in California and we moved to Texas 9 years ago. We have lived in El Paso and Hewitt (near Waco). We are blessed with three beautiful children, Noah, Dillon and Zoe. I am currently an undergraduate at Baylor University majoring in Social Work.