Thursday, September 25, 2008

Greens, greens, the magical fruit

I'll tell you what, you haven't lived until you've pretended to be salad.

The following conversation occured during my simultaneous viewing of Grey's Anatomy, listening for the baby, who, of course would not stay asleep because Grey's Anatomy was on, and trying to "tune in" to my 3 year old son:

Dis is my Magit Stick! RAAHHHH!
(He brandishes a small green plastic drumstick, broken in the middle.)

I will turn you into....


I dutifully roar and look fierce while following Meredith's love life.

Now I will turn you into a....


Does this phase me? Not at all. My shark impersonations are well rehearsed. I snap and flip my fins.

And now you will be.....


Hmmm. That was unexpected. I sort of contort myself and strike a pose, not unlike a petrified person in the last stages of muscle spasm, very salad-like.

He laughs delightedly.


Jabberwocky said...

ooooh I like this new design! good red color, and far easier on the eyes than the neon green. As for the story. I giggled. :) Noah has quite the 3-year-old imagination.

Grey's Anatomy ROCKS! I torture Greg by making him watch it every once in awhile.

Sunny McNair said...

I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Suz, your writing is charming. Loved it. So glad to know there are going to be more little people with that keen Rudow brain crawling about and growing into strangly wonderful people.

About Me

I was born and raised in Japan and moved to the US about 15 years ago. I met my husband in California and we moved to Texas 9 years ago. We have lived in El Paso and Hewitt (near Waco). We are blessed with three beautiful children, Noah, Dillon and Zoe. I am currently an undergraduate at Baylor University majoring in Social Work.