Monday, April 20, 2009

My Vacation

So I'm here in San Jose visiting Adrianne....she very kindly had me up for a visit, (and generously paid for me to come), and Jeff very kindly agreed to watch the kids for me while I'm gone. This is probably the only time for the next couple years that the stars align like this to enable me to go off alone, so I'm appreciating & enjoying every moment of it. We've done some fun things...not the least of which is decorating her new apartment, pictures shown below. We also drove into San Francisco & walked around these great streets together...all sorts of interesting shops & things to see. Of great culinary interest to me has been the raiding of the Japanese market, as I've been craving Japanese food all my pregnancy & haven't been able to indulge, as El Paso doesn't have anything like that. Today we went to the beach, brought our lunch, and hung out together on the sand. It was so relaxing! I was telling Adrianne that a big part of the vacation is the ability to just get myself ready & leave the house in a matter of about 15 minutes, without packing everything but the kitchen sink & just KNOWING that you forgot something vital for the young ones. Today was my last full day, I fly home to my babies & my "Beauty" tomorrow. Thanks for a wonderful time, Adrianne!
Anyway...below are some pics. Enjoy.
Aint we fine? I had to use Adr's umbrella because the sun was too much for me...90 degrees!

Beautiful sis in a great new dress, just bought that day...a vacation treat to herself.

Barefoot & pregnant & in cooling off in the freezing water.

A sunken ship that had been "exhumed" and was on display at the end of the pier.

Adrianne the beautiful, again.

Suz the pregnant & parasolled.

A beach a little farther down...had a great little boardwalk with terrific shops. We walked around & I got a harmonica & kazoo as omiyage (gifts) for the kids.

One of the great pieces we found at Home Goods for Adr's apartment.

A rather artistic view of her wall as seen from the kitchen "bar"
The living room & kitchen

And...the living room again. Better Homes & Gardens, here we come.


Shane said...

Wow, that looks great! Ive been in my new place for 5 months and done less than that. Now I feel I need to catch up.

Jabberwocky said...

awww. haney! Your visit was so much fun! Miss you already! :)

crazynik said...

Awww YAY! I'm SOOOOO jealous. I miss you guys. Weep

About Me

I was born and raised in Japan and moved to the US about 15 years ago. I met my husband in California and we moved to Texas 9 years ago. We have lived in El Paso and Hewitt (near Waco). We are blessed with three beautiful children, Noah, Dillon and Zoe. I am currently an undergraduate at Baylor University majoring in Social Work.