Friday, April 3, 2009

Recent Happenings:

So we've had some high drama since my last post...never a dull moment and all that. Actually, here in El Paso my life has been FILLED with dull moments...or maybe we should say "relaxing" moments. Things don't necessarily happen all that much here. As the moving guy put it when he heard we were going from CA to El Paso, "Living there is like watching paint dry". However, I would probably take a little boredom anyday over the following:
Firstly, Jeff's job became a victim of this terrible economy last week. He was laid off. At the time it seemed like the end of the world, and now it doesn't seem quite as bad, but still pretty s****y.
I will say this, however....Jeff is just the kind of husband you would want to have in this sort of situation, taking all sorts of initiative and really "going for" the job search. I feel like if there's any job to be had, he will find it. Which will hopefully be very soon, before there is an axe murdering "spouseicide" incident in this house. Ha ha ha. Ahem.
Also, a few days after we had that gem of news from the stellar guy who was Jeff's boss, I found out that "baby girl Doss" had a cyst in her brain. They found it on our last ultrasound. Apparently it's actually a common'ish' thing to have appear in babies, and only in very rare cases is it indicative of something bad and serious. So our doctor referred us to a high-tech ultrasound place for a 2nd opinion. And I could drag it out and tell you about the agonized week of waiting...but lets just skip all that and tell you the good news, that baby girl Doss is A-OK. Thank God. You would have been proud of me...throughout the whole week I was full of faith and confidence that everything would be fine....and then when we got the clean bill of health I promptly broke down and sobbed like a child in the car.
Also, it's pretty certainly a "she". We are taking name suggestions. This is what we have so far:
Jeff: "Jaqueline"
Susanna: "Zoe" or "Ava"
Noah: "Miu Kitty" or "Toothbrush"

Here she is, in all her 5 month glory. Don't worry, the appearance improves as time goes on. I thought it was so cute how she was all cuddled up on her placenta. AWWWW.


Sarah Mawhinney said...

She's gorgeous! How goes the dress hunt?

crazynik said...

Oh I'm so so relieved...I've been praying for you guys. Big hugs xx

Dossy and Bossy said...

Thank you for your supportive comments. The dress search was mildly successful...I'll post about it tomorrow, since I ranted so much. Tx for your prayers, Nik.

King Freddy said...

Thats one handsome fetus! so glad things turned out ok with little lady doss.

Jabberwocky said...

awwww! little Ms. Doss looks quite like the young alien-child. (in the most adorable way possible!)

And as for names, I vote for Zoe, for the obvious reason that you will naming your child after my kitty cat. :)

King Freddy said...

I think Paprika would be a nice name. Or Shlomina Totorino, or Helotina, or Porscha

crazynik said...

lol leave it to Chris to come up with the foulest ideas ever...heh...I like Zoe too :)

Shane said...

I'm very sorry to hear about Jeff. It's tough times, but he's a smart guy I'm sure he'll find something soon.

Congrats on the new little one. As for names I'm partial to Sydney Yamine. But out of those listed I definitely agree Zoe is the best, and stylish too.

Although you would be dooming her to a lifetime full of jokes that she got named after her aunts cat. ;)

Jabberwocky said...

Gah! Don't listen to Shane!!

NAME HER ZOE!!! I promise I won't tease her (ever) about being named after my cat. :)

Amber said...

You know, I never did know how to pronounce Zoe - is it Zoe (like toe) or Zoey as in joey... please enlighten me. And just a thought, the pronunciation of that name may be a problem for people like me, (who think that Chic is pronounced chick.) hee hee

Jabberwocky said...

Zoe is pronnounced like "Joey"...

alternate spelling: Zoey :)

Dossy and Bossy said...

Wow, what an outpouring of's great to hear from you all. Casseline, Sydney will be taken in consideration. I love how you have both a 1st and 2nd name picked out. Also, I didn't know you had a blog. Must read.
Amber, considering my last post, would I REALLY name my child something that rhymes with toe? I ask you. The only thing about the name Zoe is that it might be a little trendy, you know, like in 7 years when she starts school there'll be about 3 other Zoe's in the classroom. Hmmm. Decisions, decisions.
Also, Schlomina Totorino. Chris, you must proceed direcly to the vasectomy clinic. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

Michelle said...

I was praying for your baby. you are five months pg? I didn't know. hey she is adorable!

KylaWiggs said...

I vote for Ava - love that name. I would say Elyana, but that one's already taken, I'm happy to say. Hopefully baby girl Doss and Elyana will meet someday and become BFF's. Wouldn't that be something?

About Me

I was born and raised in Japan and moved to the US about 15 years ago. I met my husband in California and we moved to Texas 9 years ago. We have lived in El Paso and Hewitt (near Waco). We are blessed with three beautiful children, Noah, Dillon and Zoe. I am currently an undergraduate at Baylor University majoring in Social Work.