My biggest son just had his birthday on the 23rd. I can believe that he's 4, having lived the last four years spending every moment with him, but I can't believe how big he's grown. He almost is really that big boy that he believes himself to be. But also still my baby. He asks SO many questions...this must be that phase that you hear about, and it irks me sometimes, but I'm also proud to see how inquisitive his little mind is & how intelligent. He works out the most amazing things on his own. I tell him often what I write now: that I always knew I would have him, that I used to dream of having a blonde boy years before I ever knew I would have children, and that he's my most special big boy. God gave him to me and I'm so proud of the way he's growing & learning.
Enjoy the pics below:
Thank you, family members who called/sent e-cards! Noah appreciated & liked it! We love you!