Monday, February 9, 2009

A healthy appetite

So I was thinking today about how there is at least one perk, that I know of, in being pregnant (for me....may not apply to just anyone): namely, that I develop a healthy appetite! (And when I say healthy I don't mean that I was niggardly in the appetite department before....oh no. I become healthy in the things I have an appetite for, is what I'm saying.) I suddenly become the child my mother always wanted, in that I want very much to eat healthy, good food, and have almost no taste at all for the bad stuff.

Case in point: we went out to eat at Hometown Buffet, which incidentally should change it's name to Pigouts "R" Us...but I digress....anyway, we went there on Sat. nite for dinner. And usually I enter these all you can eat places with firm resolutions to be good & not eat the gross national weight of The Gambia, but things always digress rapidly, if you catch my drift. However, the other night was different! I didn't want the usual deep fried stuff I always do, was content with some fish and a little chicken, and get this....I didn't even want anything from the dessert table. This is a miracle on par with the feeding of the 5000. I have a legendary sweet tooth, but it magically goes away in my first months of pregnancy. This has been the case with both of my other children. Each time I develop a craving for fresh fruits, veggies, and Japanese food. Sadly, as we live in Mexas, or Texaco (not the gas station), good Japanese food is out of the question. But I can get produce all I want, and it's so great to actually want what is healthy for me. I begin to feel so....superior. Righteous. On the way to fitness, and certainly healthier than you are, (unless you are my Mom, who has informed me that she now only eats brown rice and tofu and early morning dew).

When in fact it's all a sad lie, a fiction of galcium proportions, a delusion and a snare. Because, friends, as soon as my morning sickness wears off, the cravings for all that good food goes with it, and the old sweet tooth/burger-and-fries-wanting all comes back in with a vengance. And oh, how low I sink. In the last few months of pregnancy all I have to do is drive past a fast food place & I can gain a pound or two. I am absolutely's like a disease. There is nothing I can do about it. So I'm enjoying my healthy, superior feeling while it lasts. I may be a lactation station, I may be a pregnant overweight housewife with no life, but by God, I not only eat healthier than you, I actually WANT TO. How do you like them apples?


Jabberwocky said...

What? I'm not healthy? I exclusively eat from the following food groups daily: booze, the fried family, the cream family, cheap booze, miscellaneous, (very old pepsi, homemade wine, and rubbing alchohol) and of course, methamphetamines.

Tofu, Morning dew, and brown rice be dammed!

On a side note, this was the funniest post i've read in a very long time. Still laughing... :)

Dossy and Bossy said...

You do yourself no justice, my dear. I happen to know you've given up the Meth a long time ago.
:P Tx for the kind words.

King Freddy said...

Hahaha what a clever writer you are! Im going to buy you a t-shirt that says "lactation station".

Amber said...

the part that got me laughing is Mom's new diet - it's almost true.... :-)

About Me

I was born and raised in Japan and moved to the US about 15 years ago. I met my husband in California and we moved to Texas 9 years ago. We have lived in El Paso and Hewitt (near Waco). We are blessed with three beautiful children, Noah, Dillon and Zoe. I am currently an undergraduate at Baylor University majoring in Social Work.