Why am I on this subject?
I digress. I'm trying to write a little travelogue of our...well...travels, to California. Jeff and I had planned to drive there for awhile, as we had not been able to afford to do so for quite some time. Yay for pay raises! In our family we have this "special day highwater season" which starts with Noah's birthday on July 23rd and ends with Jeff's birthday on Sept. 1st. Included are mine, Zoe and Paula's birthdays, and our anniversary. Cha Ching! All this to say we often try to go on vacation around this time...makes it all more festive.
This year was a particularly big year for Paula, being her 60th birthday. So Jeff and I decided to fly her out here, because seeing us and helping me to take care of our kids for a week or two is SUCH a special present, and then we all were going to drive back to CA together. Which is what we did. I had a very nice visit with Paula (Jeff was still working, this was about 2 weeks prior to driving to CA), and she caught up on her Grandmother time with the kids. We had Noah's birthday celebration during this time, too. Guess where we went? And they all said: CHUCK E CHEESE! Of course. He turned 5, but for deep dark reasons still INSISTS that he's 4, because per him, if you're 5 you have to go to school. No matter that he already IS in school and enjoying it...I guess it's the idea of the thing that he objects to. It's something we're working on. Anyway, here's some pics of the birthday:
I was going to write more and publish more pictures, but unfortunately I am out of time today. More tomorrow, children permitting.
Yay for stories! And pictures! Noah looks so big, and it looks like he had an AWESOME birthday. Also, can't get over how pretty Zoe is! MORE STORIES and pics please. :)
Loving it.... Gramps...
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