Thursday, December 24, 2009

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

So it's Christmas Eve and guess what? IT SNOWED! It actually snowed for like, 3 seconds. Well, about 1/2 an hour. Of course we didn't have a winter wonderland transformation, but it was so completely unexpected to be watching "Franklin" (an animated show about a turtle) one minute (wherein it was snowing) and to look out our window and see that it ACTUALLY WAS SNOWING! My joy is complete. I think this is even more unexpected because yesterday the high was 76 degrees (24.5 celsius) and then we look outside today & it's snowing! Weird and wonderful. I went outside and basked in the Christmassy-ness of it all, and thanked God for this special gift. It really felt like a gift from Mr. Claus Himself.

On to bigger and better things: magic. We will entitle this portion of the post "Magic and Lies". "Magic" because Jeff has convinced Noah that he has the power to turn on the Christmas tree by himself via his own personal & powerful magic, by casting a spell, and "Lies" because he does so by turning it on via the remote control tree-turner-on-er-thingie. Noah is convinced beyond all doubt that Jeff is possessed of deep arcane powers because he recites the following:

"Magical, magical, hobble dee dee
Turn on the Christmas tree so we can SEE"

And then, with a wave of his mighty arm, the tree lights up. So Noah tries it, and Jeff obligingly makes the magic happen for him too. Big mistake. It's snowballed into amateur Harry Potter night, 24-7. Noah champs at the bit to make up his own funny rhymes, spells, to turn on the Christmas tree. Finally, in an attempt to stop the madness (madness because we have to physically be there for hours at a time, surreptitiously clicking the little clicker so the thing can turn off and on), Jeff showed Noah the remote control. Made no difference. He still firmly believes in the magic. When he tries to "cast his spell" and no one is around to click the remote, he asks quite seriously if Daddy (who is possessed of superior magic, apparently) has put a strong spell on the tree so that no one else can turn it on or off. On the plus side, it's been some pretty good entertainment for the kids. Dillon gets in on the act too. It's so cute.

News flash: a couple hours later, it's still snowing and there's some visible snow on the ground!! This is HUGE. I'm so excited!
2 minutes later: Hmmm. It seems to be turning into freezing slush. I still retain hope, however. Nikki is driving here now. Hopefully she'll arrive without incident.

Jeff is working all night tonight, like Santa. This is so that he can have time off when his Mom comes here on the 26th. So he's sleeping right now, napping. He napped with Dillon and the baby slept too, so Noah and I decorated about 2oo Christmas butter cookies that I made. It was fun.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night.

1 comment:

Jabberwocky said...

yay for snow, and mistletoe...and THANK GOD I did not try to be a poet, since I would have failed miserably.

The story of Noah, Jeff, and the magical christmas tree will have me laughing for the next several days. :)

About Me

I was born and raised in Japan and moved to the US about 15 years ago. I met my husband in California and we moved to Texas 9 years ago. We have lived in El Paso and Hewitt (near Waco). We are blessed with three beautiful children, Noah, Dillon and Zoe. I am currently an undergraduate at Baylor University majoring in Social Work.