Tuesday, July 8, 2008


What's wrong with this picture?
(You're a good sport, Aunty Adie!)

Dillon on his first-ever ride. Notice the foot.

A cotton candy pig-out!

Some of Adrianne's creative photography at sunset. The weather was perfect, about 80 degrees.

Noah on the much-loved "bug" ride. He was very intense on every ride, as you can see, and focused really hard on keeping the vehicle on track. He'll be a good driver someday.

Our good daddy, holding Noah, who, overcome by sun and surf, passed out for a nap right there.

Dillon & A. Adie at the wave pool

Mommy & Dillon at the water park

Pretty Aunty Adie and the boys on her first day visiting.


Amber said...

Glad to see Dillon's cool swimsuit (courtesy of Bub) getting good use. LOL. That thing is hilarious! Sounds like you all had a blast. Sorry we missed it.

Amanda Rudow said...

Q: What's wrong with this picture?
A: There's only two white people.
For some reason, at any mention of the word "Texas" my mind summons up images of cacti and suave cowboys swaggering into a bar. So much for that delusion.

-horror- Nice weather is 80 degrees?? At least that's dry heat - here in Japan we're practically dripping, it's so "mushi-astui". bleugh.

Happy belated 4th of July. Oh, and that pic of The Foot is going on my desktop ;)

Jabberwocky said...

I will overlook the fact that the first photo of me is just about the most hideous photo of myself that I've ever seen. Seriously, I look like a retarded "special person" that rides the short yellow bus.. BUT the photo (in context)is awesome, so I will forgive. I can't believe they let me ride that thing!!

The trip was so much fun haney!

Based on my skin color in the last photo, I think I need to lay off the self tanner. :)

King Freddy said...

HAHA Amanda, you made a funny!
Looks like u guys had a blast! I like the first pic especially..

King Freddy said...

Audrey, after carefully examining the first picture, I am noticing some interesting and troubling signs; The crazed expression, the maniacal glee..the spasmodic clutching of a small child's hand for comfort...these seem to point to some sort of mental illness..

Jabberwocky said...

thanks for the validation king freddy. As they say.. "it takes one to know one.."

Dossy and Bossy said...

Adrianne, I just want you to know that after seeing the pic of you on the froggie ride and seeing your comment, Jeff laughed the whole evening. He actually laughed for 1/2 the day, cuz I called him and told him about it and he laughed then, and then when he came home he went straight to the computer and sat there laughing manically for about 15 minutes.

crazynik said...

what's wrong with our family...man....
lol kidding...yeah I've been laughing a lot myself about these pics :)Good stuff.

Michelle said...

i loooove the pic of aunty adie being a good sport

About Me

I was born and raised in Japan and moved to the US about 15 years ago. I met my husband in California and we moved to Texas 9 years ago. We have lived in El Paso and Hewitt (near Waco). We are blessed with three beautiful children, Noah, Dillon and Zoe. I am currently an undergraduate at Baylor University majoring in Social Work.